I have been on this for years now. I try and study anything and everything about the most mysterious organ of our body...The Mind.
I had laid my hands on why dreams occur.
So basically the subconcious mind takes charge when you ate sleeping. Anything that must have passed as a glance will cling onto the subconcious mind and reveal itself later...when you are sleeping.
But then what are divine dreams? Those that have messages hidden in them. How do you solve those puzzles? Do they always have a message? When do you think you should pay attention to details? Is that in your control?
There is one dream that constantly reoccurs...the subject of that dream always remains the same...Its not very pleasent...but there's no fear either...not nightmar-ish.
So someday I wish to learn how dreams are interpreted...and maybe write a book...so that the generations that will come after me will know where to look for answers.